This is a collection of our raw research notes. Each post is generated from a Jupyter Notebook that can be found in our GitHub Research repository. Notes may contain errors, spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and incorrect code. Please keep in mind these are all rough drafts. Pull requests are welcome!
SmokeLoader Triage
Lockbit 3.0 Ransomware Triage
Matanbuchus Triage Notes
Diceloader Triage Notes
Malware Downloader Triage Notes
Cobalt Strike Analysis
Triage Amadey Loader
Does Entropy Matter? A Pseudoscientific Study!
Emotet x64 Stack Strings Config Emulation
Bumblebee Loader
Magniber Ransomware Triage
Syscall Reversing
Emotet 64-bit
Emotet Deobfuscation Generic Solution
Symbolic Execution For Deobfuscation The Basics