Attack Crypter
An open source travesty used to drop .NET stealers
AttackCrypt is an open source "crypter" project that can be used to "protect" binaries and "prevent" detection by AV. In the words of the developer...
I don t know how much This will stay FUD but will be updating it always and adding New Injection and new Attacks to it
This crypter has recently been used to "protect" VenomRAT and is actively in use in the wild.
The crypter uses a generated mutex to ensure only one version of the payload is installed, but this mutex is not random it is prepended with the string attackercrypter
The crypter also claims to have anti-vm checks which are optional... these are simply a manufactor check via WMI Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem
if ((manufacturer == "microsoft corporation" && item["Model"].ToString().ToUpperInvariant().Contains("VIRTUAL"))
|| manufacturer.Contains("vmware")
|| item["Model"].ToString() == "VirtualBox")
Payload Decryption
Spoiler alert this is not really a cryptor lol! Instead of protecting the payload the tool converts it into encrypted data that is stored as a string. This string must then be uploaded to a "drop site" but the operator and then the "drop site" URL placed in the tool to generate the "stub". This "stub" is not a stub it is actually just a downloader that will fetch the payload, decrypt it, and load it.
This is the opposite of what you would like in a crypter as the loader will actually look the same for every "build". Let's check in on the VT detection rate in a week: 11c38fc24bf7b29cd6e974670bc11d7f92af124d8b7edcd89482500f4de3d442.
In this sample the drop site is http[:]//paste.sensio[.]no/ReplicaSerena
An example of the "encrypted" data follows.
Cyber Chef linkFind_/_Replace(%7B'option':'Simple%20string','string':','%7D,'',true,false,true,false)Reverse('Character')From_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D',true,false)AES_Decrypt(%7B'option':'Base64','string':'cT0j6Iw9VylE9o8lcfS4/Bcb8loeSeBirgvin5wpiwg%3D'%7D,%7B'option':'Base64','string':'0SRVQvZDd6l4hBTnn%2BE0TQ%3D%3D'%7D,'CBC','Raw','Raw',%7B'option':'Hex','string':''%7D,%7B'option':'Hex','string':''%7D))
- Remove
from the string (deobfuscate) - Reverse the string
- Base64 decode
- Decrypt with hard coded key and IV (AES CBC)
- The key and IV are base64 encoded
In this sample the Key is cT0j6Iw9VylE9o8lcfS4/Bcb8loeSeBirgvin5wpiwg=
and the IV is 0SRVQvZDd6l4hBTnn+E0TQ==
Yara Rule
rule AttackCrypter {
$s1 = "attackercrypter" wide
$s2 = "$FOLDER" wide
$s3 = "$FNAME.exe" wide
$s4 = "$service" wide
$s5 = "$serverpassword" wide
$s6 = "$bottoken" wide
$s7 = "$chatid" wide
$s10 = "" wide
$s11 = "Don t use on vm" wide
$m1 = "FOKFILE" ascii
$m2 = "FOKSTRING" ascii
$m3 = "NIKBINARY32bit" ascii
$m4 = "NIKFELSTART" ascii
5 of ($s*) and
any of ($m*)