
Sample 6dd995d896a9a593b2c48d09da60bd83866d8577273f36d38788d83ad8173e68


Rust Reverse Engineering

BlackCat is written in Rust and is very time consuming to reverse engineer. To speed up the process we used a combination of debugging and some python scripts courtesy of @fwosar.

The Config

There is a new BlackCat ransomware sample out and it the config is now protected using a command line supplied ACCCESS_TOKEN. The token is used to generate an AES key which is then used to decrypt the encrypted config.


Ransomware options


        --access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>               Access Token
        --bypass <BYPASS>...
        --child                                     Run as child process
        --drag-and-drop                             Invoked with drag and drop
        --drop-drag-and-drop-target                 Drop drag and drop target batch file
        --extra-verbose                             Log more to console
    -h, --help                                      Print help information
        --log-file <LOG_FILE>                       Enable logging to specified file
        --no-net                                    Do not discover network shares on Windows
        --no-prop                                   Do not self propagate(worm) on Windows
        --no-prop-servers <NO_PROP_SERVERS>...      Do not propagate to defined servers
        --no-vm-kill                                Do not stop VMs on ESXi
        --no-vm-kill-names <NO_VM_KILL_NAMES>...    Do not stop defined VMs on ESXi
        --no-vm-snapshot-kill                       Do not wipe VMs snapshots on ESXi
        --no-wall                                   Do not update desktop wallpaper on Windows
    -p, --paths <PATHS>...                          Only process files inside defined paths
        --propagated                                Run as propagated process
        --ui                                        Show user interface
    -v, --verbose                                   Log to console

Set desktop ransom note \\All Usersdeploy_note_and_image_for_all_users=

Mutex Local\\RustBacktraceMutex

Batch file name drag-and-drop-target.bat

Batch file contents (encrypted)

SET allargs=%*
"${EXECUTABLE}" --access-token ${ACCESS_TOKEN} --drag-and-drop -p %allargs%


The ransomware contains an embedded encrypted copy of psExec. This is likely used as part of their propagation (worm). The ransomware can be executed via the drag-and-drop-target.bat batch files. These are a useful artifact to recover during IR as they will contain the ACCESS_TOKEN which can be used to decrypt the config.

Entropy Fider

To help identify high entropy sections of the binary (encrypted data) we used this nice script from @fwosar

def report_entropies(file_path):
    import rolling
    from pathlib import Path
    data = Path(file_path).read_bytes()
    entropies = rolling.Entropy(data, 512)
    high_entropy_start = None
    for i, entropy in enumerate(entropies):
        if entropy > 7 and not high_entropy_start:
            high_entropy_start = i + 512
        if entropy < 7 and high_entropy_start:
            print(f"Found high entropy section starting at {hex(high_entropy_start)} up to {hex(i + 512)}. Totalling {(i + 512) - high_entropy_start} bytes.")
            high_entropy_start = None
    if high_entropy_start:
        print(f"Found high entropy section starting at {hex(high_entropy_start)} up to {hex(len(data))}. Totalling {len(data) - high_entropy_start} bytes.")