Amadey Loader
Analysis of CPP Amadey loader
SHA256 18A38FA6F5B306243D99621556AF948A61DAED29619AB755E25010F9E254C6BD
PDB (lol) D:\Mktmp\Amadey\Release\Amadey.pdb
- LockBit 3.0 Being Distributed via Amadey Bot
- SmokeLoader Malware Used to Augment Amadey Infostealer
- Analyzing Amadey – a simple native malware
TODO / Future Work
Since there are usually going to be global strings in CPP maybe it would be worth writing a small script to label all the global string addresses?
- iterate _PVFV (what I call the constructor Vtable lololol so wrong)
- for each fn if there is a string assign
- assume the args are int he same position (or maybe try hexrays helper fns)
- grab the char* string and label the global str::string object and set the type
import base64
str_hash_data = 'd6052c4fe86a6346964a6bbbe2423e20'
str_data = 'QOqdDVR RQLzIo=='
str_data = 'XWaNMGOS1BI18fCg iKD7361gd2jM6MP0zCp3pKDfZscLU2oaCO0UYKP2NUcPIEkeSqV5IODXjAtUI=='
str_alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 '
str_hash = ''
for i in range(len(str_data)):
str_hash += str_hash_data[i % len(str_hash_data)]
out = ''
for i in range(len(str_data)):
if str_data[i] not in str_alphabet:
out += str_data[i]
alphabet_count = str_alphabet.find(str_data[i])
hash_count = str_alphabet.find(str_hash[i])
index_calc = (alphabet_count + len(str_alphabet) - hash_count) % len(str_alphabet)
out += str_alphabet[index_calc]
def decrypt(str_data, str_hash_data, str_alphabet):
str_hash = ''
for i in range(len(str_data)):
str_hash += str_hash_data[i % len(str_hash_data)]
out = ''
for i in range(len(str_data)):
if str_data[i] not in str_alphabet:
out += str_data[i]
alphabet_count = str_alphabet.find(str_data[i])
hash_count = str_alphabet.find(str_hash[i])
index_calc = (alphabet_count + len(str_alphabet) - hash_count) % len(str_alphabet)
out += str_alphabet[index_calc]
return base64.b64decode(out)
decrypt('1RydQIOr3Zcp6emn RYv8IGzgUKS6r5ThSdqDVBERAP2Ir 0JQ1=', str_hash_data, str_alphabet)
import re
str_hash_data = 'd6052c4fe86a6346964a6bbbe2423e20'
str_alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 '
def is_ascii(s):
return all(c < 128 or c == 0 for c in s)
file_data = open('/tmp/amadey.bin','rb').read()
strings = []
for m in re.finditer(rb'[a-zA-Z =0-9]{4,}',file_data):
for s in strings:
temp = decrypt(s, str_hash_data, str_alphabet)
if is_ascii(temp) and len(temp) > 3:
hashes= ['d6052c4fe86a6346964a6bbbe2423e20',