DanaBot Triage
Taking a look at a new version of the Danabot loader
Initially Danabot was operated as a malware as a service platform that specialized in information theft (banking credentials and other information). Currently (end of 2023) they appear to have pivoted to initial access for the purpose of deploying ransomware.
- From DarkGate to DanaBot
- Technical Analysis of DanaBot Obfuscation Techniques
- Zscaler Danabot Tools (Github)
- Malpedia: Danabot
- Spike in DanaBot Malware Activity
- IDR Tool
According to a post on X, Microsoft has detected Danabot (Storm-1044) infections leading to hands-on-keyboard activity by ransomware operator Storm-0216 (Twisted Spider, UNC2198), culminating in the deployment of Cactus ransomware. In this campaign, Danabot is distributed via malvertising.
For reference we have also download a known Danabot loader and core component.
- Loader: 2a3acdcd76575762b18c18c644a745125f55ce121f742d2aad962521bc7f25fd
- Core: 77ff83cc49d6c1b71c474a17eeaefad0f0a71df0a938190bf9a9a7e22531c292
We have the following C2s from the Esentire report. We can use these to confirm our work.
DanaBot C2
DanaBot C2
DanaBot C2
DanaBot C2
- based on the file size it is likely we are triaging the loader
- many of the APIs are resolved dynamically using hashing hashdb
- using the API resolving we can locate the main network component
- the following struct can be used with our sample
struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) net_ctxt
int (__fastcall *MessageBoxW)(void *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *wvsprintfW)(wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, va_list);
int (__fastcall *CryptAcquireContextA)(void **, const char *, const char *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *CryptReleaseContext)(void *, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *CryptCreateHash)(void *, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int, void **);
int (__fastcall *CryptDeriveKey)(void *, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int, void **);
int (__fastcall *CryptHashData)(void *, unsigned __int8 *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *CryptDestroyHash)(void *);
int (__fastcall *CryptDecrypt)(void *, void *, int, unsigned int, unsigned __int8 *, unsigned int *);
int (__fastcall *CryptDestroyKey)(void *);
void *(__fastcall *InternetOpenW)(const wchar_t *, unsigned int, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, unsigned int);
void *(__fastcall *InternetConnectW)(void *, const wchar_t *, unsigned __int16, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void *(__fastcall *HttpOpenRequestW)(void *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t **, unsigned int, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *InternetQueryOptionW)(void *, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int *);
int (__fastcall *InternetSetOptionW)(void *, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *HttpSendRequestW)(void *, const wchar_t *, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *InternetReadFile)(void *, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int *);
int (__fastcall *InternetCloseHandle)(void *);
wchar_t *(__fastcall *lstrcatW)(wchar_t *, const wchar_t *);
void *(__fastcall *LoadLibraryA)(const char *);
void *(__fastcall *GetProcAddress)(void *, const char *);
int (__fastcall *WriteProcessMemory)(void *, void *, const void *, size_t, size_t *);
void *(__fastcall *CreateThread)(void *, size_t, void *, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int *);
void (__fastcall *ExitProcess)(unsigned int);
unsigned int (__fastcall *WaitForSingleObject)(void *, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *TerminateThread)(void *, unsigned int);
void (__fastcall *ExitThread)(unsigned int);
double (__fastcall *fmod)(double, double);
void *(__fastcall *VirtualAllocEx)(void *, void *, size_t, unsigned int, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *VirtualFree)(void *, size_t, unsigned int);
void *(__fastcall *CreateFileW)(const wchar_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *);
int (__fastcall *WriteFile)(void *, const void *, unsigned int, unsigned int *, void *);
int (__fastcall *CloseHandle)(void *);
int (__fastcall *SetEndOfFile)(void *);
int (__fastcall *InitializeSecurityDescriptor)(void *, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *InitializeAcl)(void *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
int (__fastcall *CreateWellKnownSid)(unsigned int, void *, void *, unsigned int *);
int (__fastcall *AddAccessAllowedAce)(void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, void *);
int (__fastcall *SetSecurityDescriptorDacl)(void *, int, void *, int);
unsigned int (*RtlGetLastWin32Error)(void);
DWORD *g_ptr_ip_1;
WORD *g_ptr_port_1;
DWORD *g_ptr_ip_2;
WORD *g_ptr_port_2;
DWORD *g_ptr_ip_3;
WORD *g_ptr_port_3;
DWORD *g_ptr_ip_4;
WORD *g_ptr_port_4;
DWORD dw0;
DWORD dw1;
DWORD dw2;
DWORD dw3;
DWORD dw4;
DWORD random_ip_flag;
DWORD c2_ptr;
DWORD dw7;
DWORD random_ip_seed;
BYTE buff[4056];