StormKitty String Decryption

We need a simple task to test our tools and a .NET sample. Let's try to decrypt the strings from this modified StormKitty stealer ( You can download the sample from malshare (

If we load the sample in dnspy we can see that there is an AES deryption function that reads a hard coded password and salt that are passed to the generator Rfc2898DeriveBytes and used to generate a key and IV which are then used these to decrypt strings on the fly.

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 3.25.17 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 3.25.41 PM.png

To start out simple lets conver the decryption routine into python, then lets use dnlib to parse out all the decryption calls and decrypt the strings.

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def decrypt(ctxt, key, iv):
    cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    return cipher.decrypt(ctxt)

# Test with data from dnspy
salt = bytes([0xff,64,191,111,23,3,113,119,231,121,252,112,79,32,114,156])
password = bytes([104,116,116,112,115,58,47,47,103,105,116,104,117,98,46,99,111,109,47,76,105,109,101,114,66,111,121,47,83,116,111,114,109,75,105,116,116,121])
iter_count = 1000
key_size = 256
block_size = 128
key_size_bytes = int(key_size/8)
block_size_bytes = int(block_size/8)
# Generate the key and IV from the hard coded password and salt

# Rfc2898DeriveBytes is a streaming-response object, 
# so concatenating two successive calls is the same as 
# doing one call with both lengths added together

from Crypto.Protocol import KDF
key_bytes = KDF.PBKDF2(password, salt, count=iter_count, dkLen=key_size_bytes+block_size_bytes)

ctxt = bytes([191,144,50,4,176,103,41,226,163,145,184,198,37,147,201,246,15,80,188,217,224,55,94,195,60,36,195,150,34,219,225,21])

ptxt = decrypt(ctxt, key_bytes[:key_size_bytes], key_bytes[key_size_bytes:])
print("Decrypted string: %r" % ptxt)
Decrypted string: b'\\Chromium\\User Data\\\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c'
# The padding byte is the pad delta so we just have to take a byte 
# and use it to clip the delta off the end of the data

def unpad(data):
    return data[:-ord(data[len(data)-1:])]

print("Decrypted string: %r" % unpad(ptxt))
Decrypted string: b'\\Chromium\\User Data\\'

.NET Assembly Analysis

Ok now that we have a decryption routine we can start to look at programmatically analyzing the .NET assembly seaching for the encrypted strings.

First we will need a way to call .NET methods from Python. This will allow us to both execute functionality in the sample as well as take advantage of multiple .NET analysis tools which are themselves written in .NET. For this we will use the pythonnet package (

Pythonnet Setup

Installing pythonnet is as simple as pip install pythonnet. If you are on mac you will want to first make sure you have mono installed. Mono is the platfrom independent .NET interpreter that allows you to run .NET anywhere. We will use brew with brew install mono.

Once we have pythonnet installed it can be imported into python using import clr. CLR stands for Common Language Runtime which is the actual virtual machine that is used to interpret and execute .NET (I think?).

import sys, struct, clr
from System.Reflection import Assembly, MethodInfo, BindingFlags
from System import Type

We are going to use dnlib ( to interact wiht the .NET assembly. We will need to download the DLL and pass a local path to our python instance. We can build our own from the release (( or just download an old compiled version (

DNLIB_PATH = '/tmp/dnlib.dll'
import dnlib
from dnlib.DotNet import *
from dnlib.DotNet.Emit import OpCodes

Like the dnlib DLL we will need to pass the local path to this file to our Python. Then we can use this path to load the .NET module and assembly.

SAMPLE_PATH = '/tmp/6e4802a21c61d349b2a201ec5143e095b57e033d51bb571b90a53749956beac4.bin'
module = dnlib.DotNet.ModuleDefMD.Load(SAMPLE_PATH)
# we don't need the assembly for this because we won't be using invoke
# assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(SAMPLE_PATH)

Now we need to find the decryption method. The process is straight forward, we will iterate through all of the methods for each type in the module (I think type is what a class is converted to in the IL?) and for each method we will check the instructions to find the decryption method. Actually matching the decryption method is a bit of a hack but basically we just find some stuff that is probably unique to the method and search for that. In this case we are looking for instructions that set the AES key size SymmetricAlgorithm::set_KeySize and block size SymmetricAlgorithm::set_BlockSize.

Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 3.37.51 PM.png

eFlags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic

# First find the decryption method
decryption_method = None
for mtype in module.GetTypes():
    if not mtype.HasMethods:
    for method in mtype.Methods:
        if not method.HasBody: 
        if not method.Body.HasInstructions: 
        if len(method.Body.Instructions) < 20:
        # Check the first 20 instructions for the AES key set and block set
        key_set = False 
        block_set = False
        for ptr in range(20):
            if 'SymmetricAlgorithm::set_KeySize' in method.Body.Instructions[ptr].ToString():
                key_set = True
            if 'SymmetricAlgorithm::set_BlockSize' in method.Body.Instructions[ptr].ToString():
                block_set = True
        if key_set and block_set:
            decryption_method =  method

if decryption_method != None:
    print("Can't find decryption method!")        
System.String Class69::smethod_1(System.Byte[])

Now that we know the decryption method we can save its name then we can search for calls to the method name. The actual name is a bit tricky since we want the class name and the method name in order to disambiguate it. The class name will always preceed the method name with :: so we can use that to parse the correct string.

full_name = decryption_method.FullName
method_name = str(decryption_method.Name)
decryption_method_name = full_name[:full_name.find(method_name)+len(method_name)].split(" ")[-1]            

Now we can find all the places where the decryption method is called by searching through all the instructions for a call to the decryption method name.

Once we find a call we need to parse out the arguement which is an array containing the encrypted string. This is is a bit tricky since arrays are split into multiple instructions in the IL.

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 9.33.20 PM.png

Here we can see the call to the decryption method on line 291 and preceeding the call we can see another call to InitializeArray which takes an argument setup with the ldtoken call on line 295. Based on this we can search backwards in the code from the call to the decryption fucntion for the first ldtoken instruction which will be loadin the actual data for the array (containing the encrypted string).

for mtype in module.GetTypes():
    if not mtype.HasMethods:
    for method in mtype.Methods:
        if not method.HasBody: 
        if not method.Body.HasInstructions: 
        for ptr in range(len(method.Body.Instructions)):
            instruction = method.Body.Instructions[ptr]
            if instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call:
                if decryption_method_name in instruction.ToString():
                    # Found call now seach backwards a maximum of 5 instructions for ldtoken to get encrypted string
                    for i in range(1,5):
                        if method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldtoken:
                            mm = method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i]
                            token = mm.Operand.MDToken
IL_0011: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_6
IL_002B: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_14
IL_0045: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_19
IL_005F: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_2
IL_0079: ldtoken Class71/Struct22 Class71::struct22_0
IL_0093: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_4
IL_00AD: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_3
IL_00C7: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::A25CC6D70519A408CEA3AE72EBFF915335C6E6E613B18720FA746D0D8056559B
IL_00E1: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_18
IL_00FC: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_9
IL_0117: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_24
IL_0132: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_25
IL_014D: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::BF8CAA158736480861E8F91826FFFA6545B27C3EC30153CA68330811329C2A8E
IL_0168: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_22
IL_0183: ldtoken Class71/Struct23 Class71::struct23_1
IL_019E: ldtoken Class71/Struct22 Class71::ACDCB1AFB15194F894860BA7E2B85B91B6E5AB701407DFBAC51146F0C6E53B6F
IL_01B9: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_21
IL_01D4: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::CE8979E74A40B6869BD5BED7E5610AA981486221166D6F6E65F3B34BF501B8DD
IL_01EF: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_8
IL_020A: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_10
IL_0225: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_7
IL_0240: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_20
IL_025B: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_15
IL_0276: ldtoken Class71/Struct22 Class71::struct22_2
IL_0291: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_13
IL_02AC: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::A223DB41D9BFBC0280EBD0050A8BBD8EA7A943B251C8FD2D0B01A040462EDB0B
IL_02C7: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_12
IL_02E2: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_23
IL_02FD: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::ACDF4A22C9359C1328E1CC966BC6C0D0D95B468AF46466FFAEC92C411050E17B
IL_0318: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::A515425C81DC183149AF8B446E168A9509399B54129E92DAC27E19364B0D7B86
IL_0333: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::D3709EF761A0DEFC0ABE47CF9B3476718CE15F873291CF43E1AE3DC080DE5523
IL_034E: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::A981F5EDD35DDFF3F41F44A598272BBEAFA5F5B9C1595DC02FC6044CE81BE666
IL_0369: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_11
IL_0384: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_1
IL_039F: ldtoken Class71/Struct22 Class71::FD2AD7331099CFB7A118458E12965559ABF6D870A4B3DFF975FF43C3C56C09C8
IL_03C4: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_17
IL_03DE: ldtoken Class71/Struct19 Class71::struct19_0
IL_03F8: ldtoken Class71/Struct19 Class71::CEB1CC71FC33A5B2E3A8E0727D334A0B236251779D5BAF438C965B4FB341F460
IL_0412: ldtoken Class71/Struct19 Class71::A4956ED9AA7996A00C7593BFFCBDB3FBE5A11F729876DF9AC5A1A33EF3EFE3A2
IL_042C: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::A8F810D24584EC3B7929D304606C2DD1E44F852CA90C291ED8CC398AA3F07FD3
IL_0446: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::D170DC7768D26A111EF0E7B910988BFC4ACBCA3BE6A5B476EED1F48C70040F93
IL_0460: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::D61B7716B5AD4A42CC6C9300587B2C389EB40C3E8BF9B039E7DB98097247DC1B
IL_047A: ldtoken Class71/Struct22 Class71::CAB1D35DDB8E2426F9750F1040D87B301146E2BFAB7CF292C14EC1133A2ACB37
IL_0497: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_0
IL_002D: ldtoken Class71/Struct23 Class71::B6BF689EB1506173FB29643B5E51D7E067FD5E191256B038EB618C2F593EB272
IL_00A8: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_16
IL_011B: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::D813E22A9B121801B05222D1BF9E349DAA549C1171C61A538CAD559E2701513B
IL_01FB: ldtoken Class71/Struct23 Class71::struct23_2
IL_0302: ldtoken Class71/Struct23 Class71::A4327AC8803761C49FE829B97D8B2E262D38A165E20B7F7C9FDCD1F757CDB7BB
IL_0092: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::struct20_5
IL_000E: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::B4066645CC9D38B322DDCD501F7863D2759D4CAA2A993694DCC6DDB1EEBC7301
IL_002E: ldtoken Class71/Struct23 Class71::struct23_0
IL_01C1: ldtoken Class71/Struct22 Class71::struct22_1
IL_0008: ldtoken Class71/Struct20 Class71::B28DB940EDE70686E870504AE41CB6EEAE634B9858DF6B5AEAB3958AA115A5E1

Now that we have a way to find all of the arrays that contain the encrypted strings we need a way to get the data out of the array. This was very confusing when I was trying to figure it out... hat tip to for all the help <3

I'm still not sure this is the best way to do things but basically we grab the first operand from the ldtoken instruction which is the token for the field that contains the array. Each array is stored in a field in a class so once we have the token we can search through all the fields in all the classes for the matching token and extract the data. To actually convert the byte array into something we can use in Python we call the get_InitialValue method for the field and convert this into a byte string. I think this works because the array is static making the initial value the actual value but I'm not entirely sure.

To simplify the process I created a helper function that will allow us to find and extract the bytes string based on a token.

def get_array_data_by_token(token):
    for mtype in module.GetTypes():
        if mtype.get_HasFields():
            for field in mtype.get_Fields():
                if field.get_MDToken() == token:
                        return bytes(field.get_InitialValue())
                        return None
    return None

Now we have all the parts and we can put them together to extract and decrypt the strings!

for mtype in module.GetTypes():
    if not mtype.HasMethods:
    for method in mtype.Methods:
        if not method.HasBody: 
        if not method.Body.HasInstructions: 
        for ptr in range(len(method.Body.Instructions)):
            instruction = method.Body.Instructions[ptr]
            if instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call:
                if decryption_method_name in instruction.ToString():
                    # Found call now seach backwards a maximum of 5 instructions for ldtoken to get encrypted string
                    for i in range(1,5):
                        if method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldtoken:
                            mm = method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i]
                            token = mm.Operand.MDToken
                            ctxt = get_array_data_by_token(token)
                            if ctxt != None:
                                ptxt = decrypt(ctxt, key_bytes[:key_size_bytes], key_bytes[key_size_bytes:])
                                ptxt = unpad(ptxt)
                                print("Error no array data found for %s" % method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i])
b'\\Chromium\\User Data\\'
b'\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\'
b'\\Google(x86)\\Chrome\\User Data\\'
b'\\Opera Software\\'
b'\\MapleStudio\\ChromePlus\\User Data\\'
b'\\Iridium\\User Data\\'
b'\\7Star\\7Star\\User Data\\'
b'\\CentBrowser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Chedot\\User Data\\'
b'\\Vivaldi\\User Data\\'
b'\\Kometa\\User Data\\'
b'\\Elements Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Epic Privacy Browser\\User Data'
b'\\uCozMedia\\Uran\\User Data\\'
b'\\Fenrir Inc\\Sleipnir5\\setting\\modules\\ChromiumViewer\\'
b'\\CatalinaGroup\\Citrio\\User Data\\'
b'\\Coowon\\Coowon\\User Data\\'
b'\\liebao\\User Data\\'
b'\\QIP Surf\\User Data\\'
b'\\Orbitum\\User Data\\'
b'\\Comodo\\Dragon\\User Data\\'
b'\\Amigo\\User\\User Data\\'
b'\\Torch\\User Data\\'
b'\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Comodo\\User Data\\'
b'\\360Browser\\Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Maxthon3\\User Data\\'
b'\\K-Melon\\User Data\\'
b'\\Sputnik\\Sputnik\\User Data\\'
b'\\Nichrome\\User Data\\'
b'\\CocCoc\\Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Uran\\User Data\\'
b'\\Chromodo\\User Data\\'
b'\\Mail.Ru\\Atom\\User Data\\'
b'\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\NETGATE Technologies\\BlackHaw'
b'\\Moonchild Productions\\Pale Moon'
b'\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data'

Editing .NET Assembly

Success! Now that we have our string decryption working we can update our code to edit the sample and insert the decrypted strings. This process is is made very easy using dnlib. All we need to do is nop out the instructions that are used to build the encrypted string array and replace the call to the decryption function with a simple string load using the decrypted string. Since the instruction following decryption call expects the decrypted string to be on the stack we will load the decrypted string directly on the stack. Once this is done we will save the edited assembly to a new file.

Screen Shot 2021-07-15 at 11.24.12 AM.png

for mtype in module.GetTypes():
    if not mtype.HasMethods:
    for method in mtype.Methods:
        if not method.HasBody: 
        if not method.Body.HasInstructions: 
        for ptr in range(len(method.Body.Instructions)):
            instruction = method.Body.Instructions[ptr]
            if instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call:
                if decryption_method_name in instruction.ToString():
                    # Found call now seach backwards a maximum of 5 instructions for ldtoken to get encrypted string
                    for i in range(1,5):
                        if method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldtoken:
                            mm = method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i]
                            token = mm.Operand.MDToken
                            ctxt = get_array_data_by_token(token)
                            if ctxt != None:
                                ptxt = decrypt(ctxt, key_bytes[:key_size_bytes], key_bytes[key_size_bytes:])
                                ptxt = unpad(ptxt)
                                # We need to nop out everything from OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S to the decryption call
                                for j in range(1,10):
                                    if method.Body.Instructions[ptr-j].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S:
                                        while j > 0:
                                            method.Body.Instructions[ptr-j].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop
                                            j -= 1
                                # Replace decryption call with string load
                                method.Body.Instructions[ptr].OpCode = OpCodes.Ldstr
                                method.Body.Instructions[ptr].Operand = ptxt.decode('utf-8')
                                print("Error no array data found for %s" % method.Body.Instructions[ptr-i])
                            # we found the string no need to keep searching for instructions
        # To avoid the Error calculating max stack value we can just keep old max stack
        method.Body.KeepOldMaxStack = True
# Save edited assembly
module.Write(SAMPLE_PATH + ".decrypted")
b'\\Chromium\\User Data\\'
b'\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\'
b'\\Google(x86)\\Chrome\\User Data\\'
b'\\Opera Software\\'
b'\\MapleStudio\\ChromePlus\\User Data\\'
b'\\Iridium\\User Data\\'
b'\\7Star\\7Star\\User Data\\'
b'\\CentBrowser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Chedot\\User Data\\'
b'\\Vivaldi\\User Data\\'
b'\\Kometa\\User Data\\'
b'\\Elements Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Epic Privacy Browser\\User Data'
b'\\uCozMedia\\Uran\\User Data\\'
b'\\Fenrir Inc\\Sleipnir5\\setting\\modules\\ChromiumViewer\\'
b'\\CatalinaGroup\\Citrio\\User Data\\'
b'\\Coowon\\Coowon\\User Data\\'
b'\\liebao\\User Data\\'
b'\\QIP Surf\\User Data\\'
b'\\Orbitum\\User Data\\'
b'\\Comodo\\Dragon\\User Data\\'
b'\\Amigo\\User\\User Data\\'
b'\\Torch\\User Data\\'
b'\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Comodo\\User Data\\'
b'\\360Browser\\Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Maxthon3\\User Data\\'
b'\\K-Melon\\User Data\\'
b'\\Sputnik\\Sputnik\\User Data\\'
b'\\Nichrome\\User Data\\'
b'\\CocCoc\\Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\Uran\\User Data\\'
b'\\Chromodo\\User Data\\'
b'\\Mail.Ru\\Atom\\User Data\\'
b'\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\User Data\\'
b'\\NETGATE Technologies\\BlackHaw'
b'\\Moonchild Productions\\Pale Moon'
b'\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data'