
This is a .NET stealer that is possibly a clone or new version of AgentTesla. It has been sold on public grayware sites such as fudsender[.]com.

There is even a YouTube commercial for the stealer!



b1114c27beb856eae1f9fba0a880450702b7bda007f0fbacc4d5df561d83ec88 UnpacMe



  • The sample we are analyzing does not have encrypted strings and the C2 is in plaintext https[:]//jwgruop[.]com/login/
  • The HTTP C2 uses a hard coded header value x-key which can be used combined with the other agent tesla features to identify the sample


public static bool Keylogger = true;
        public static int LoggerInterval = 10;
        public static bool PasswordRecovery = true;
        public static bool CookieRecovery = true;
        public static int TenantId = 4319;
        public static string PcHwid = "";
        public static string PcName = "";
        public static string AsmLocation = "";
        public static int CheckInterval = 5000;
        public static string PublicKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>rAoFBxYpptcD05ezf2if4RlryyqIBxjA3797MhTklk3xemvM9Y+Wle6P5hBHzSu95KQmgea8lzbH7RA3HOb1UvKErFeJ3jT5XhsqaT4AcDLRQraXpmxz+rzW0GK+ZvJFYmIL+18m4j/TAHjT40L0wEcfu2qzrIzroEFupW/oELM=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>";
        public static string PublicUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0";
        public static bool AppAddStartup = Convert.ToBoolean("false");
        public static bool HideFileStartup = Convert.ToBoolean("false");
        public static string AppStartupFullPath = "";
        public static string StartupDirectoryPath = "";
        public static string StartupEnvName = "appdata";
        public static string StartupDirectoryName = "hhlquS";
        public static string StartupInstallationName = "hhlquS.exe";
        public static string StartupRegName = "hhlquS";
        public static string DownloadFolderName = "4yyaqgto.m0g";
        public static string DownloadDirectoryPath = "";
        public static string CurrentUrl = "";
        public static string[] FallbackUrls = new string[] { "https://nitrosoftwares.shop/gate" };

Yara Rule

rule OriginLogger {

        $s1 = "select * from  Win32_Processor" wide 
        $s2 = "FileArgs" wide 
        $s3 = "StringFileInfo" wide 
        $s4 = "select * from  Win32_VideoController" wide 
        $s5 = "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" wide 
        $s6 = "downloadexecute" wide 
        $x = "x-key" wide nocase 
        $dl_bytes = {7E ?? ?? ?? ?? 72 ?? ?? ?? ?? 03 04 28 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0A 02 06 28 ?? ?? ?? ?? 06 28 }

        filesize < 50KB and
                5 of ($s*) and
            ) or


C2 Extraction

For now we only have samples that do not have encrypted strings so c2 extraction is just a simple regex.

import re

file_data = open('/tmp/origin.bin', 'rb').read()

def filter_printable(data):
    out = []
    for c in data:
        if c < 33 or c > 126 or c == 92:
    return bytes(out)

def get_c2s(file_data):
    c2s = []
    for s in file_data.split(b'h\x00t\x00t\x00'):
        if s[:2] == b'p\x00':
            tmp = s.split(b'\x00\x00')[0]
            out = b'htt' + filter_printable(tmp.replace(b'\x00',b''))
            if len(out) < 4 or len(out) > 50:
    return c2s

# import required module
import os
# assign directory
directory = '/tmp/samples'
# iterate over files in
# that directory
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    f = os.path.join(directory, filename)
    # checking if it is a file
    if os.path.isfile(f):
        file_data = open(f, 'rb').read()