Dumpulator VEH
A deeper look at the Dumpulator advanced emulation capabilities
• 257 min read
We are going to take a closer look at how to emulate exceptions with Dumpulator using a recent Guloader sample as an example.
Guloader SHA256 = E3A8356689B97653261EA6B75CA911BC65F523025F15649E87B1AEF0071AE107
Guloader VEH
The sample we are analyzing uses a VEH trick to redirect program flow... basically they set their own VEH then use breakpoints 0xcc
in the code to trigger a small algorithm in the VEH. This aglorithm is used to caculate a new EIP based on the byte following the breakpoint.
EIP = EIP + ([EIP + 1] ^ 0x8f)
Obfuscated Strings
In addition to the VEH program flow obfuscation the sample also uses a two-stage string encryption algorithm. First, a function is used to fill a buffer with the encrypted string data using some unfolded constants and a bit of arithmatic. Then the buffer is passed to a string decryption algorithm. The first buffer fill function is often obfuscated using the VEH program flow redirection.
Dumpulator String Decryption
from dumpulator import Dumpulator
dp = Dumpulator("/tmp/gudump.dmp")
TEB: 0x2c1000, PEB: 0x2be000 ConsoleHandle: 0x9c StandardInput: 0xa0 StandardOutput: 0xa4 StandardError: 0xa8 Patching Wow64Transition: 770f9228 -> 76fc7000 Memory map: Base Size State Protect Info 0x10000 0x10000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x20000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE 0x21000 0x1f000 MEM_FREE 0x40000 0x1d000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x5d000 0x3000 MEM_FREE 0x60000 0x35000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x95000 0xb000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0xa0000 0xfb000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x19b000 0x5000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x1a0000 0x4000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x1a4000 0xc000 MEM_FREE 0x1b0000 0x2000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x1b2000 0xe000 MEM_FREE 0x1c0000 0x35000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x1f5000 0xb000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x200000 0xbd000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x2bd000 0xb000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x2c8000 0x138000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x400000 0x35000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x435000 0xb000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x440000 0x2a000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE 0x46a000 0x26000 MEM_FREE 0x490000 0x3d000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x4cd000 0xc3000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x590000 0x7000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x597000 0x9000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x5a0000 0xc9000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x669000 0x7000 MEM_FREE 0x670000 0xfd000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x76d000 0x3000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x770000 0xfd000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x86d000 0x3000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x870000 0x4d0000 MEM_FREE 0xd40000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY blobrunner.exe[0x21000] 0xd41000 0x15000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0xd56000 0x7000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .rdata 0xd5d000 0x2000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0xd5f000 0x2000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .reloc 0xd61000 0x7402f000 MEM_FREE 0x74d90000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY apphelp.dll[0x9f000] 0x74d91000 0x7c000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0x74e0d000 0x2000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x74e0f000 0x20000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .idata 0x74e2f000 0x1681000 MEM_FREE 0x764b0000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY sechost.dll[0x76000] 0x764b1000 0x67000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0x76518000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x76519000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_WRITECOPY .data 0x7651a000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x7651b000 0xb000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .idata 0x76526000 0x2a000 MEM_FREE 0x76550000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY kernel32.dll[0xf0000] 0x76551000 0xf000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x76560000 0x65000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0x765c5000 0xb000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x765d0000 0x2b000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .rdata 0x765fb000 0x5000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x76600000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x76601000 0xf000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x76610000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .didat 0x76611000 0xf000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x76620000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .rsrc 0x76621000 0xf000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x76630000 0x5000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .reloc 0x76635000 0xb000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 0x76640000 0x300000 MEM_FREE 0x76940000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY rpcrt4.dll[0xbe000] 0x76941000 0xac000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0x769ed000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x769ee000 0x10000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .idata 0x769fe000 0x252000 MEM_FREE 0x76c50000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY KERNELBASE.dll[0x214000] 0x76c51000 0x1d7000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0x76e28000 0x3000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x76e2b000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_WRITECOPY .data 0x76e2c000 0x38000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .idata 0x76e64000 0x15c000 MEM_FREE 0x76fc0000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x76fc1000 0x3000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 0x76fc4000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x76fc5000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x76fc6000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x76fc7000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 0x76fc8000 0x2000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x76fca000 0x6000 MEM_FREE 0x76fd0000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY ntdll.dll[0x1a3000] 0x76fd1000 0x122000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READ .text 0x770f3000 0x6000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE .data 0x770f9000 0x7a000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY .mrdata 0x77173000 0x8cdd000 MEM_FREE 0x7fe50000 0x5000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x7fe55000 0xfb000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READONLY 0x7ff50000 0x8000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff58000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff59000 0x7000 MEM_FREE 0x7ff60000 0x1000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff61000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff62000 0xe000 MEM_FREE 0x7ff70000 0x10000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff80000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff81000 0xf000 MEM_FREE 0x7ff90000 0x1000 MEM_RESERVE PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff91000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READWRITE 0x7ff92000 0xe000 MEM_FREE 0x7ffa0000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x7ffa1000 0xf000 MEM_FREE 0x7ffb0000 0x23000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x7ffd3000 0xd000 MEM_FREE 0x7ffe0000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY 0x7ffe1000 0x9000 MEM_FREE 0x7ffea000 0x1000 MEM_COMMIT PAGE_READONLY
base = 0x440000
stop_addr = 0x04A7 + base
dp.start(base, end=stop_addr)
emu_start(440000, 4404a7, 0) syscall: ZwProtectVirtualMemory( HANDLE ProcessHandle = 0xffffffff /* NtCurrentProcess() */, PVOID* BaseAddress = 0x19fb1c, SIZE_T* RegionSize = 0x19fb20, ULONG NewProtect = 0x4, ULONG* OldProtect = 0x19fb24 ) protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READWRITE status = 0 syscall: ZwAccessCheck( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* SecurityDescriptor = 0xffffffff, HANDLE ClientToken = 0x19fb1c, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess = 0x19fb20, GENERIC_MAPPING* GenericMapping = 0x4, PRIVILEGE_SET* PrivilegeSet = 0x19fb24, ULONG* PrivilegeSetLength = 0x770f9000, ACCESS_MASK* GrantedAccess = 0x2378, NTSTATUS* AccessStatus = 0x2 ) status = 0 syscall: ZwProtectVirtualMemory( HANDLE ProcessHandle = 0xffffffff /* NtCurrentProcess() */, PVOID* BaseAddress = 0x19fb1c, SIZE_T* RegionSize = 0x19fb20, ULONG NewProtect = 0x2, ULONG* OldProtect = 0x19fb24 ) protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READONLY status = 0 syscall: ZwAccessCheck( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* SecurityDescriptor = 0xffffffff, HANDLE ClientToken = 0x19fb1c, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess = 0x19fb20, GENERIC_MAPPING* GenericMapping = 0x2, PRIVILEGE_SET* PrivilegeSet = 0x19fb24, ULONG* PrivilegeSetLength = 0x770f9000, ACCESS_MASK* GrantedAccess = 0x2378, NTSTATUS* AccessStatus = 0x4 ) status = 0 emulation finished, cip = 4404a7
fn_get_string = 0x017DE0 + base
buff = dp.allocate(4096)
dp.call(fn_get_string, [buff])
emu_start(457de0, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457de1, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457df2 emu_start(457df2, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457df7, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e00 emu_start(457e00, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e07, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e17 emu_start(457e17, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e24, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e29 emu_start(457e29, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e3a, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e4c emu_start(457e4c, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e4d, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e52 emu_start(457e52, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e5d, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e67 emu_start(457e67, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e72, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e85 emu_start(457e85, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e90, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457e97 emu_start(457e97, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e98, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457eaa emu_start(457eaa, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e98, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457eaa emu_start(457eaa, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e98, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457eaa emu_start(457eaa, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457eb4, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457ebe emu_start(457ebe, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ec0, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457ece emu_start(457ece, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ed5, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457edd emu_start(457edd, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ede, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457ee4 emu_start(457ee4, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457eeb, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457ef1 emu_start(457ef1, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457efe, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f0d emu_start(457f0d, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f0e, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f21 emu_start(457f21, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f36, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f49 emu_start(457f49, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f54, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f5d emu_start(457f5d, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f68, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f7c emu_start(457f7c, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f7d, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f8d emu_start(457f8d, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f8e, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457f97 emu_start(457f97, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f98, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fa8 emu_start(457fa8, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f98, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fa8 emu_start(457fa8, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f98, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fa8 emu_start(457fa8, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fb3, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fb7 emu_start(457fb7, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fbe, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fcb emu_start(457fcb, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fcc, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fcf emu_start(457fcf, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fd6, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x457fe8 emu_start(457fe8, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ff5, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458000 emu_start(458000, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458007, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458011 emu_start(458011, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45801c, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x45802c emu_start(45802c, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458032, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458044 emu_start(458044, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580b8, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4580c9 emu_start(4580c9, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580d2, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4580d8 emu_start(4580d8, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580df, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4580ea emu_start(4580ea, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580f7, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4580fd emu_start(4580fd, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458104, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458118 emu_start(458118, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458125, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458129 emu_start(458129, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45812a, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458131 emu_start(458131, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458138, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x45813b emu_start(45813b, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458142, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458148 emu_start(458148, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45814f, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x45815c emu_start(45815c, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458163, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458172 emu_start(458172, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45817f, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458186 emu_start(458186, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458193, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4581a4 emu_start(4581a4, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581a5, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4581b7 emu_start(4581b7, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581be, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4581d0 emu_start(4581d0, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581d7, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4581ea emu_start(4581ea, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581ff, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458203 emu_start(458203, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45820e, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458216 emu_start(458216, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458217, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458224 emu_start(458224, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45822f, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458233 emu_start(458233, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458234, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458247 emu_start(458247, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458251, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458255 emu_start(458255, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458257, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458268 emu_start(458268, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45826f, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458279 emu_start(458279, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45827a, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458280 emu_start(458280, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458287, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458290 emu_start(458290, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45829d, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4582a3 emu_start(4582a3, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582bb, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4582cc emu_start(4582cc, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582cd, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4582d2 emu_start(4582d2, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582d9, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4582e4 emu_start(4582e4, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582ed, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x4582f5 emu_start(4582f5, 5000, 0) interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582f6, cs = 23 handling exception... old csp: 19fb74, new csp: 19f6bc emu_start(77044ec0, 5000, 0) syscall: ZwContinue( PVOID ContextRecord = 0x19f714, BOOLEAN TestAlert = 0x0 ) context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 switching context, cip: 0x458302 emu_start(458302, 5000, 0) emulation finished, cip = 5000
out_buff_len = dp.read_long(buff)
out_buff = dp.read(buff+4, out_buff_len)
key = bytes.fromhex('3d4f0b6d845f58cbf8844e9ab35781156c68109175e8c42901f8ee2b78c4926631939c778b2a48e0d8ea0dd585')
def xor_crypt(data, key):
out = []
for i in range(len(data)):
out.append(data[i] ^ key[i % len(key)])
return bytes(out)
xor_crypt(out_buff, key).decode('utf-16')
fn_decrypt = 0x00025A28 + base
dp.call(fn_decrypt, [buff])
emu_start(465a28, 5000, 0) emulation finished, cip = 5000
dp.read(buff+4, out_buff_len).decode('utf-16')
str_fn_list = [0x254d4, 0x1644a, 0x147f1, 0x1607f, 0x1d6a4, 0x1be3d, 0x1babc, 0x1836d, 0x8a55, 0x8d44, 0x670f, 0x4270, 0xac35, 0xaab1, 0x8f89, 0x9d9c, 0x1d9d3, 0x14d18, 0x18aa1, 0x19765, 0x1a31c, 0x1ae60, 0x17571, 0x18f33, 0x192f4, 0x17de0, 0x15b41, 0x14d35, 0x167d4, 0x171af, 0x16e4f, 0x1cf67, 0x1c943, 0x17aa1]
# for str_fn in str_fn_list:
# try:
# print(decrypt(str_fn))
# except:
# pass
def emu_restart():
global dp
# Load the emulator
dp = Dumpulator("/tmp/gudump.dmp", quiet=True)
# Load the VEH
veh_stop_addr = 0x04A7 + base
dp.start(0x440000, end=veh_stop_addr)
def emu_decrypt(fn_addr):
global dp
buff = dp.allocate(4096)
fn_get_string = fn_addr + base
dp.call(fn_get_string, [buff])
out_buff_len = dp.read_long(buff)
dp.call(fn_decrypt, [buff])
out_buff = dp.read(buff+4, out_buff_len)
return out_buff.replace(b'\x00',b'').decode('utf-8')
return ''
out_strs = []
for str_fn in str_fn_list:
protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READWRITE protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READONLY initial unsupported access UC_MEM_WRITE_PROT of 1a0000[1] = 465B39, cip = 4654a4 protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READWRITE protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READONLY interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45644f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45645b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45646f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45647b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45648a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4564a4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4564aa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4564c8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4564e3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456501, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456509, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456514, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45652d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45654e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45655c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456570, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45658b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45659a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4565a9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456632, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456644, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45665e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456671, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456686, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45669a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4566b2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4566c3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4566dd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4566ec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456709, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45671a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456721, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45673d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45674e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45675d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456770, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456776, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456784, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456784, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456784, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456791, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45679d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4567ab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4547f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454803, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454809, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454824, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454839, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454847, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4548a9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4548b9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4548c9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4548e0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4548e7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4548f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45490f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45491d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454936, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454945, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454959, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45496e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454974, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454982, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454995, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4549a5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4549b2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4549c7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4549d7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4549e6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4549fc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a08, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a23, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a33, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a3d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a5d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a67, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a71, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a89, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454a97, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ab3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ac2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454acc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ae1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454aed, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b03, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b17, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b21, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b32, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b42, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b60, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b6f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b7c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454b88, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ba2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c35, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c43, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c59, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c60, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c7e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c83, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454c9b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454cae, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454cc3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ccb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ce0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454cf5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d07, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456096, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45609b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4560b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4560d3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4560e1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4560f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456102, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456107, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45611b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45612e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45613f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456153, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456163, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456177, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45618c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4561a7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4561bf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4561dd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4561f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45620b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45621d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45622a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456231, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456258, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456280, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456287, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4562a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4562ae, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4562d7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4562f3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45637d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456387, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456393, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4563aa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4563bb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4563c3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4563ce, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4563dd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456401, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45640a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45640e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456424, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d6a5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d6c6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d6e9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d6fa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d6fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d70f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d729, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d742, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d759, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d773, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d794, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d798, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d7a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d7b6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d7ca, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d7d8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d7e5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d7f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d823, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d837, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d840, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d8d2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d8e4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d8f8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d90a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d919, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d925, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d938, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d94f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d95b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d976, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d999, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d9a0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d9b3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d9be, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45be9c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bea8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45beb0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45becb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bedc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bef0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45befd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf14, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf23, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf2d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf40, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf64, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf78, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bf93, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bfa7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bfb2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bfbc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bfca, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bfde, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bff5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c002, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c024, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c03a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c056, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c065, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c079, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c087, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c098, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c0a2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c0b2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c0c7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c0d5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c0fc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c156, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c173, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c194, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c19e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c1a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c1a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c1a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c1c1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c1da, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c1f4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c20f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c230, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c23c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c24e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c263, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c263, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c263, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c27b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c28c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c297, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c2a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c2c7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c2df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c2f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c30f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c321, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c341, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c350, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c358, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c36d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c37e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c389, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c395, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c39f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c3b2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c3c4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c3db, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c3f5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c475, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c47c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c47c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c47c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c499, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c4a8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c4bf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c4db, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c4f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c500, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c527, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c538, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c54d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c560, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c572, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c58d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c5a0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c5b5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c5c6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c5db, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c5e5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c5f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c603, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c621, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c62d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c650, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c669, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c67d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c695, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c69d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c6a9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c6c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c6d3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c6e8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c6f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c767, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c76c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c77d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c786, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c78e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c7a1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c7c8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c7da, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c7f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c807, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c816, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c81d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c82c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c837, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c837, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c837, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c845, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c85c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c860, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c876, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c88c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c894, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c8a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c8c1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c8dc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c8fb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c90d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c912, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c912, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c912, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c923, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45babd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bace, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bae6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45baff, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bb14, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bb32, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bb44, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bb57, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bbe4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bbf8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc16, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc2e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc35, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc3c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc3c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc3c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc4a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc58, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc73, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bc94, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bca5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bcb6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bcbe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bceb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bcfc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd08, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd11, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd2a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd36, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd4a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd5d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd77, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd8b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bd96, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bda7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bdb1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bdbe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bdd3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bde2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45bdf8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45be0e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45be21, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458378, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458384, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458396, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583a0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583ad, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583be, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4583fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458408, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458421, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458429, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45843a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458454, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45846e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458477, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45849e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4584a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4584af, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4584c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4584ce, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4584dd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4584e4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458502, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458517, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458528, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458538, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458554, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458573, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458573, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458573, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45858e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45859b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4585aa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4585c8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4585db, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458659, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45866a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45867c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45868a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45868e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4586b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4586c0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4586c0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4586c0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4586d8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4586ec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458705, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45870e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45871a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458729, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458742, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458764, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458775, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458782, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458793, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458798, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587cc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587d6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587dc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587e0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4587fc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458804, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458822, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458837, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45884d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458860, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458875, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45888b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458896, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4588a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4588bc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4588c6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4588ce, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4588e8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45898d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45899a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4589a7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4589c0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4589c9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4589e3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4589f0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4589fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a16, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a26, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a2f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a3b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a52, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a57, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a6d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a88, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458a95, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d9d4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d9dc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 initial unmapped read from d80000[1], cip = 465b3b, exception: ExceptionType.Memory, (0x465b3b, 0x35, 16) protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READWRITE protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READONLY initial unmapped read from d71000[1], cip = 4654a4, exception: ExceptionType.Memory, (0x4654a4, 0xc, 6) final unmapped read from d71000[1], cip = 4654a4, exception: ExceptionType.Memory, (0x4654a4, 0xc, 6)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/herrcore/.pyenv/versions/3.9.5/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dumpulator/dumpulator.py", line 1329, in _hook_syscall status = syscall_impl(dp, *args) File "/Users/herrcore/.pyenv/versions/3.9.5/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dumpulator/ntsyscalls.py", line 2888, in ZwQueryInformationJobObject raise NotImplementedError() NotImplementedError
Exception thrown during syscall implementation, stopping emulation! forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READWRITE protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READONLY interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458aa2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458aaa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ac8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ad1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ae3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b02, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b10, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b25, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b3f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b47, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b5e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b76, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b7a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458b90, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ba2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458bb3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458bcb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c26, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c47, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c54, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c6a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c84, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458c95, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458cac, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458cc3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458cf2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d05, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d0f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d2c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d3e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d56, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d62, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d75, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458d7e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458dab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458db2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458dcd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458dde, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458dfb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e0a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e0f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e24, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e32, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e4d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e5b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e5b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e5b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458e75, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ed2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ee5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458eef, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f0f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f1f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45976a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459779, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459791, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4597b8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4597bd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4597ce, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4597de, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4597ed, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459806, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45981f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45982b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45983a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459855, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459868, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45987d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459886, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459899, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4598a9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4598b3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4598c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4598da, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4598eb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4598fc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45990e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45991f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45993b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459949, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459955, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45996a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459975, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459987, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459998, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4599b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4599c9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4599df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4599ee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4599fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459a70, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459a8a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459a96, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459aab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ac5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ad4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ae4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459af1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b0b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b16, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b20, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b38, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b54, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b6f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b76, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b94, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459b9b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459bab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459bbd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459bc6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459bde, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459bff, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c09, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c25, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c34, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c45, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c6a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c83, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459c98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459cb7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459cc5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ce3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459d45, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459d50, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459d74, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459d95, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459d9e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459db0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459db4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459dc2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459dd7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459de8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459df4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459dfe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459e22, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459e3a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459e57, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459e6b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459e80, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459e92, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ea4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459eb8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ebd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ed6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459ee6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459eff, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f13, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f25, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f4b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f56, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f6f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459f79, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a006, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a01c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a038, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a047, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a05a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a063, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a072, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a084, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a091, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a0b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a0bc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a0d7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a0f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a102, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a112, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a11c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a12f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a154, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a166, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a179, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a18a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a194, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a1ac, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a1b6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a1dd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a1f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a201, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a214, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a227, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a24a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a268, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a277, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a27c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a27c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a27c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a2f4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a300, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a31d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a330, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a33f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a353, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a36a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a376, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a385, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a38f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a3a5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a3b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a3c5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a3cf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a3eb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a3ef, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a40d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a415, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a421, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a42f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a440, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a450, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a467, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a478, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a49b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a4b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a4c1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a4e1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a4fb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a500, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a520, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a590, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a596, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a5a9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a5c5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a5d9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a5e1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a5f7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a60b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a61f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a624, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a63b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a64d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a65d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a66e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a684, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a699, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a6b5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a6c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a6cb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a6e0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a6fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a70c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a715, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a731, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a75a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a768, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a785, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a7a0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a7b4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a83f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a86d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a886, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a88e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a8b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a8bc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a8ce, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a8fc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a914, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a925, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a938, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a952, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a961, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a970, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a982, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a992, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a999, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a9bb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a9c6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a9d0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a9de, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a9f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45a9f9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aa15, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aa29, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aa48, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aa63, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aadd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aaf5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab0d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab0d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab0d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab25, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab2a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab35, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab49, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab5f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab72, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab8d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ab99, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45abba, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45abd2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45abee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac0b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac18, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac33, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac4a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac5e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac65, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac70, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac8a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ac9c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45acb9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45acc3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45acdd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ace1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45acf7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45acfb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ad06, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ad19, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ad30, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ad35, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ad4e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ad59, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45adf7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae11, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae37, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae4b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae61, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae78, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae83, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ae9d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aea3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aeb2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aecc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aeec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45aef9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af12, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af1f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af34, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af38, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af4e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af63, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af77, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45af95, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45afab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45afbd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45afdb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45afec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45afec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45afec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45affc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b003, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b01b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b078, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b081, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b097, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b0b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b0cd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b0d3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b0f0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b0fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b10d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b112, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b11c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b132, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b13a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b13f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b151, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b15e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b171, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b193, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b1a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b1c3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b1e3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b1f0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b20c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b21f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b240, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b253, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b266, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b271, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b30a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b32d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b33b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b345, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b364, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b378, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b383, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b397, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b3b0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b3d1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b3ea, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b403, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b41b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b427, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b43a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b455, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b459, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b474, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b479, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b48b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b4ab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b4bf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b4cf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b4e3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b503, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b512, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b52d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b53d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b54e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b56c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b580, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b613, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b621, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b629, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b642, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b663, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b671, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b67f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b695, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b6aa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b6c0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b6d3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b6f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b70a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b70a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b70a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b724, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b738, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b743, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b754, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b76e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b775, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b78a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b797, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b79f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b7af, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b7ce, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b7f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b7f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b7f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b801, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b80f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b82a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b843, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b855, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b86b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b883, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b890, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b89c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b8a8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b926, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b946, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b950, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b955, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b969, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b975, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b985, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b991, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b99b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b9b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b9d6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45b9f4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba00, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba0a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba11, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba2f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba3f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba66, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ba85, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457572, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457585, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457594, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45759f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4575ab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4575b5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4575d8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4575e9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457611, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457618, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457618, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457618, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457627, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457636, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457648, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45765a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457662, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457672, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457679, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457687, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457695, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4576a8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4576b4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4576c8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45772c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45773d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457745, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457755, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457765, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457782, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457790, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4577a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4577d2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4577e8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4577f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457810, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45781f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457835, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457847, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45784c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457863, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457872, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457885, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4578a2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4578b5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4578d2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4578e7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4578f0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457904, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457904, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457904, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45791b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45792f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45793c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457950, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457966, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45797b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45798d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4579a4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4579c7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4579df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4579e8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4579f7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457a03, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f34, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f4d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f5b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f6d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f7a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458f94, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458faf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458fc7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458fdf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458ff8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45900c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45901a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459034, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45903d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459059, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459061, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459075, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459075, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459075, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459088, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459090, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45909a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4590b1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4590bf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4590da, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4590e4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459103, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459114, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459131, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45913a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45913a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45913a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459155, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4591e5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4591ee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459206, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459212, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459231, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45923e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459255, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459262, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459275, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45927b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45928b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4592a2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4592b0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4592bd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4592c7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4592e2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4592f5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459306, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459318, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459330, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459343, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45935d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45936d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459392, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593a4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593b9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593d3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593e4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593ee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593ee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593ee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4593fe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459413, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459423, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459432, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459448, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459458, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45945e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45946e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459483, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4594f9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45950b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45951c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45952e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45954b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459566, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459579, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45959b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4595af, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4595c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4595e2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4595f0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4595fd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459613, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459633, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45964a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45966a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45966f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45968b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 459696, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4596b5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4596c4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4596df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45973b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45974d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45975b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457de1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457df7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e07, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e24, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e3a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e4d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e5d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e72, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e90, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457e98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457eb4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ec0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ed5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ede, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457eeb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457efe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f0e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f36, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f54, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f68, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f7d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f8e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457f98, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fb3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fbe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fcc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457fd6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ff5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458007, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45801c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458032, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580b8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580d2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4580f7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458104, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458125, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45812a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458138, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458142, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45814f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458163, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45817f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458193, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581a5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581be, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581d7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4581ff, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45820e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458217, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45822f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458234, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458251, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458257, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45826f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45827a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 458287, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45829d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582bb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582cd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582d9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582ed, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4582f6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455b42, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455b6c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455b7d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455b88, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bb4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bbb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bd1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bda, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bda, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bda, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455bfd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c0e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c22, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c2f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c49, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c5a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c6b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c88, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455c96, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455cb3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455cb3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455cb3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455cc7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455cd3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ced, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455d00, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455d14, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455d2e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455db1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455dd4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455de8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455df1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e04, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e18, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e29, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e34, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e47, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e52, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e62, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e6d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e7e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e93, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455e9d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ea8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ebc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ed0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ee9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f02, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f17, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f27, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f42, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f47, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f47, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f47, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f5b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f67, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f77, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f87, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455f99, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455fac, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455fc2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455fd0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455fe1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ff0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ff4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d36, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d41, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d4a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d55, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d63, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d76, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d8e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454d9e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454da5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454dc9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ddc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454df9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454e0e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454e1b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454e30, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454e4a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454e8b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f05, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f10, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f10, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f10, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f22, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f38, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f4c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f55, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f6c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f7e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f8f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454f99, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454fb1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454fc1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454fdf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 454ff2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455005, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455005, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455005, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455021, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455026, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45503b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455052, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45506d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45507d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455089, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45509d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4550ad, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4550b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4550d6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4550e9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455105, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45510b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45511b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455132, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45514a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455158, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455178, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45518a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455191, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455191, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455191, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4551ae, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455210, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455226, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455237, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45524c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455258, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455276, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45528d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4552a1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4552ac, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4552b5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4552cf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4552e7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455303, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455313, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455326, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455331, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455359, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455370, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455386, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4553ab, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4553c4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4553d2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4553e7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4553f7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455403, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45541c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455423, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45543a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455447, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455459, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455468, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4554d2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4554e5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4554f2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45550b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455529, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45553d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45554e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45555e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455564, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45557b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455586, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455592, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4555c3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4555e1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4555f0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45560b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455611, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455611, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455611, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45562b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45563d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455658, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45566a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455671, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45569a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556ad, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556bc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556c1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556cc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556d4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556e3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4556f9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455716, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45579a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4557a9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4557b3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4557d1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4557e2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4557fc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455817, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45582a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455830, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45584b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455862, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45586d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45587e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45588d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45589b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4558bd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4558d8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4558f3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455904, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455923, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45593d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455951, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455965, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455971, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45598c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4559a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4559ba, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4559dc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4559e4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4559f7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455a0d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455aa9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ac1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455ad6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455af0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455af7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455af7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455af7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455b13, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 455b26, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4567d5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4567ec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45680e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456819, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456833, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45684e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456862, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456875, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456886, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456894, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4568a2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4568b8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4568bc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4568dc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45695d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45696b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456976, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456988, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456994, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4569a8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4569b9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4569cb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4569e7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4569fb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a11, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a17, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a2f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a3d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a3d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a3d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a52, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a6b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a72, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456a87, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456aa1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456ab5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456abf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456ad2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456af5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456afa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b0b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b17, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b20, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b60, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b67, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b75, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b75, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b75, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456b8f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c0f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c2a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c3e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c49, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c6a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c7c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456c94, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456ca0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456cae, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456cc6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456ce6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456cf2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d08, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d0e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d28, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d3b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d5b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d72, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456d8b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456dad, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456db8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456dc3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456dda, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456def, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456dfd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e1a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e29, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e35, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4571b0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4571c9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4571d5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4571e1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4571f5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457209, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45721a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457224, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457237, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457257, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457262, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45726b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45727a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45728a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457296, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572a6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572ac, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572bf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572ca, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572dc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572e1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4572e6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457315, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457327, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45733a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457356, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457372, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457376, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457394, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4573b3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4573bc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4573e3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4573f3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457401, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45740b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45745d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45746f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45747e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457491, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4574a4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4574b3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4574c4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4574d7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4574ea, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4574ff, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457521, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457533, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457546, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e50, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e69, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e7b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e86, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456e9e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456f2d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456f3b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456f50, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456f5a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456f7a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456f94, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456fb8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456fc2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456fd7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456fdf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 456ff4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45700b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457027, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45703c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457053, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457059, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457060, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457072, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45707c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45708f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45709a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4570b3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4570d0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 4570e0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457110, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457124, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45712a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45712a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45712a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45718c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf68, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf72, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf87, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf8f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cfb0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cfcd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cfda, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cff5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d087, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d08e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d0a5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d0ba, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d0d0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d0ef, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d10c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d11a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d126, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d138, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d151, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d161, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d170, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d182, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d1a3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d1b2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d1c2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d1d3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d1f1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d20b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d223, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d22f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d245, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d25a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d26d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d27e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d28f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d2aa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d2b4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d33d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d34a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d35d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d36e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d398, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d3ad, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d3b8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d3cd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d3df, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d3ef, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d406, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d419, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d42c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d444, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d45a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d46b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d490, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d49c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4af, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4cc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4e0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d4f8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d516, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d526, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d533, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d53e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d550, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d55b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d570, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d581, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d59f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d5ac, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d5bf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d621, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d632, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d644, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d65d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d677, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45d68b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c948, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c958, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c963, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c977, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c9a2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45c9b7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca39, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca56, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca68, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca6d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca86, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ca99, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45caa5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cabe, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cac3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cae9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb02, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb1f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb23, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb2a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb2a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb2a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb42, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb51, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb6a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb6f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb89, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cb9c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cba4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cbb9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cbcc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cbdb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cbf9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc04, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc1d, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc38, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc4b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc60, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc6f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc82, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc89, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cc92, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ccaa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ccb0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ccbc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cccf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cce4, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ccec, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ccfd, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cd0f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cd23, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cd38, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cd51, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cda3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cdb9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cdcf, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cdd8, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cdef, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cdfa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce06, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce12, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce23, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce38, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce4e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce59, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce67, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce7f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce87, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ce8e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cea3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ceaa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ced1, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45ceee, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf03, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf26, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf3f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf4e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 45cf52, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457aa2, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457aa6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457aae, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ac6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ad6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ae5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457af3, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b09, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b22, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b3b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b42, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b53, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b59, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b65, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b65, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b65, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b7b, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b8a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457b96, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ba0, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457bbb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457bc6, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457bd5, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457bea, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457bfa, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c04, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c11, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c2c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c33, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c4e, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c53, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c6a, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c76, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457c92, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457cae, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457cbc, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457cc7, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457cdb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457ceb, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457d08, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457d0f, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457d8c, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457da9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0 interrupt 3 (#BP, Breakpoint), cip = 457db9, cs = 23 context switch, stopping emulation forced exit memory operation 21 of 4fe2[1] = 0
['', 'user32', 'psapi.dll', 'Msi.dll', 'Publisher', 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run', 'Skattekister138', 'OverOps146.70.147.12/vSFjv98.fla', 'SOFTWARE\\AppDataLow\\', 'Tumorlike', "%PSHEX% -windowstyle minimized $Tritetartemorion=(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\AppDataLow\\').Tumorlike;%PSHEX% -windowstyle minimized ($Tritetartemorion)", "%PSHEX% -windowstyle minimized $Ddsensalvorligt=(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\\SOFTWARE\\AppDataLow\\').Tumorlike;%PSHEX% -windowstyle minimized ($Ddsensalvorligt)", 'Environment', 'PSHEX', 'c:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', 'c:\\windows\\SysWOW64\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', '', '', 'ProgramFiles=', '\\internet explorer\\ieinstal.exe', '\\internet explorer\\ielowutil.exe', '\\internet explorer\\ExtExport.exe', 'windir=', '\\system32\\', '\\syswow64\\', 'iertutil.dll', 'wininet.dll', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko', 'KERNELBASE.DLL', 'shell32', 'advapi32', 'C:\\Program Files\\Qemu-ga\\qemu-ga.exe', 'C:\\Program Files\\qga\\qga.exe', 'TEMP=']
# Load the emulator
dp = Dumpulator("/tmp/gudump.dmp", quiet=True, trace=True)
# Load the VEH
veh_stop_addr = 0x04A7 + base
dp.start(0x440000, end=veh_stop_addr)
protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READWRITE protect 0x770f9000[0x3000] = PAGE_READONLY
trace_file = open('/tmp/gudump.dmp.trace','rb').read()
trace_addr = []
for trace_line in trace_file.split(b'\n'):
t_addr = int(trace_line.decode('utf-8').split('|')[0], 16)
if 0x440000 <= t_addr < 0x440000 + 0x2a000:
trace_addr.append(t_addr - base)
t_addr = int(trace_line.decode('utf-8').split(' ')[0], 16)
if 0x440000 <= t_addr < 0x440000 + 0x2a000:
trace_addr.append(t_addr - base)
trace_addr = list(set(trace_addr))
[0, 153600, 149504, 153603, 149510, 149512, 153609, 153612, 149518, 149519, 153618, 149525, 149527, 153624, 153627, 149533, 153629, 149538, 153635, 153641, 153643, 153649, 153655, 165946, 153660, 165949, 153662, 153668, 153670, 153676, 153678, 153684, 149604, 149606, 149611, 149613, 149618, 149623, 149625, 149631, 149637, 149639, 149640, 166023, 149642, 166028, 149647, 166034, 149652, 168085, 149658, 149663, 149668, 153766, 149670, 153768, 149673, 149676, 153774, 149678, 153780, 149684, 153782, 149686, 153785, 149689, 153787, 149691, 149694, 149699, 149700, 149703, 149705, 149711, 149717, 149722, 149727, 149729, 149734, 149739, 149741, 149747, 149749, 149753, 149755, 149757, 149759, 257, 149764, 149769, 166156, 149775, 149776, 166159, 149778, 149779, 166161, 149781, 166164, 149787, 149789, 149795, 149797, 149798, 149804, 149806, 149811, 149813, 149820, 149823, 149830, 149837, 149839, 149842, 149848, 149853, 149858, 149864, 149870, 166262, 375, 166263, 166265, 380, 166271, 149952, 450, 149954, 452, 149960, 149962, 149963, 149969, 149972, 149974, 149977, 149980, 149985, 149990, 149996, 149998, 150000, 150004, 166389, 166391, 150009, 150012, 150014, 150016, 150017, 150019, 150021, 150026, 150027, 150029, 150032, 534, 536, 538, 150043, 150058, 150061, 150064, 150067, 150069, 150072, 150074, 150077, 150079, 150081, 150084, 150086, 150089, 150092, 150094, 150097, 150099, 150102, 150105, 150108, 150111, 150113, 150116, 150118, 150120, 166505, 150123, 166508, 150125, 150131, 628, 150133, 630, 150135, 632, 150136, 634, 150138, 640, 150144, 150146, 646, 648, 150152, 650, 150154, 652, 653, 654, 150155, 656, 150161, 659, 150164, 661, 663, 665, 150170, 667, 150172, 670, 673, 675, 166570, 166573, 166574, 166580, 150254, 150259, 150260, 760, 150265, 762, 764, 765, 150271, 768, 770, 150274, 773, 150279, 776, 150281, 778, 150282, 780, 166666, 782, 150283, 166672, 166669, 150286, 150292, 790, 150294, 150296, 793, 795, 150299, 150303, 801, 804, 150309, 150311, 809, 150314, 150315, 814, 815, 150321, 821, 150326, 150328, 826, 150331, 832, 150337, 835, 841, 843, 150347, 150349, 150352, 849, 150356, 855, 150359, 150361, 858, 168795, 860, 150364, 168799, 150368, 168801, 150370, 866, 168802, 150373, 868, 168804, 168805, 871, 168807, 873, 168809, 168811, 150375, 150378, 879, 168816, 881, 150381, 150383, 884, 150386, 168822, 887, 150389, 168825, 890, 150391, 892, 168831, 168833, 897, 900, 168839, 903, 168841, 168843, 908, 168845, 168847, 913, 168850, 168852, 168854, 918, 168856, 924, 929, 150435, 932, 935, 150439, 937, 150444, 942, 150447, 945, 150452, 950, 150457, 955, 150459, 150461, 960, 962, 150466, 964, 150468, 967, 970, 150474, 166858, 973, 150477, 975, 150479, 166860, 166862, 166865, 980, 150485, 166867, 150487, 166869, 150489, 985, 988, 150495, 991, 996, 150501, 999, 150507, 1004, 150513, 150518, 150521, 150522, 150527, 150533, 150539, 150540, 150546, 150549, 150555, 150561, 150563, 150569, 150575, 1074, 1076, 166967, 166969, 1082, 1084, 166974, 166976, 1091, 1092, 1093, 166979, 1095, 166982, 166983, 166988, 1101, 1103, 166991, 166993, 1106, 1107, 166999, 1113, 167001, 1115, 1117, 1119, 167007, 1121, 167009, 1127, 167015, 1130, 167018, 167019, 167022, 1135, 167025, 1138, 167027, 1140, 167029, 167031, 167033, 1148, 167038, 167040, 167043, 167046, 150665, 150667, 167052, 167055, 150673, 150675, 167061, 150678, 150684, 150690, 150692, 150698, 167082, 150700, 167083, 167085, 167088, 150705, 150708, 167095, 167097, 150714, 150716, 150718, 167102, 150720, 150723, 150725, 167109, 167111, 150728, 150730, 167118, 150735, 167120, 150737, 152788, 150741, 152790, 150743, 150744, 167127, 167130, 152795, 152796, 167132, 150750, 152802, 150755, 167138, 167140, 150758, 167143, 152808, 150760, 167145, 152811, 152813, 150766, 167152, 152819, 150772, 152821, 167156, 167158, 167160, 150778, 152827, 152829, 150781, 152831, 150782, 167165, 152834, 150787, 152836, 167167, 152838, 167172, 167175, 150793, 152843, 167180, 152845, 167182, 150799, 150800, 167184, 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153436, 153459, 153460, 149373, 149377, 149379, 149381, 149384, 153483, 149389, 149391, 153488, 153489, 153491, 153494, 153496, 153499, 153502, 153503, 153508, 153510, 153516, 153517, 153518, 153520, 153524, 153526, 153532, 153537, 153540, 153546, 153550, 165839, 153556, 165844, 165845, 165848, 149465, 153562, 149467, 153565, 153567, 149473, 153570, 149475, 149477, 149478, 153576, 153578, 153580, 149484, 149486, 153585, 149492, 153589, 149494, 149495, 149496, 153595, 149502]
IDA Label Trace
import idc
trace_addr = [0, 153600, 149504, 153603, 149510, 149512, 153609, 153612, 149518, 149519, 153618, 149525, 149527, 153624, 153627, 149533, 153629, 149538, 153635, 153641, 153643, 153649, 153655, 165946, 153660, 165949, 153662, 153668, 153670, 153676, 153678, 153684, 149604, 149606, 149611, 149613, 149618, 149623, 149625, 149631, 149637, 149639, 149640, 166023, 149642, 166028, 149647, 166034, 149652, 168085, 149658, 149663, 149668, 153766, 149670, 153768, 149673, 149676, 153774, 149678, 153780, 149684, 153782, 149686, 153785, 149689, 153787, 149691, 149694, 149699, 149700, 149703, 149705, 149711, 149717, 149722, 149727, 149729, 149734, 149739, 149741, 149747, 149749, 149753, 149755, 149757, 149759, 257, 149764, 149769, 166156, 149775, 149776, 166159, 149778, 149779, 166161, 149781, 166164, 149787, 149789, 149795, 149797, 149798, 149804, 149806, 149811, 149813, 149820, 149823, 149830, 149837, 149839, 149842, 149848, 149853, 149858, 149864, 149870, 166262, 375, 166263, 166265, 380, 166271, 149952, 450, 149954, 452, 149960, 149962, 149963, 149969, 149972, 149974, 149977, 149980, 149985, 149990, 149996, 149998, 150000, 150004, 166389, 166391, 150009, 150012, 150014, 150016, 150017, 150019, 150021, 150026, 150027, 150029, 150032, 534, 536, 538, 150043, 150058, 150061, 150064, 150067, 150069, 150072, 150074, 150077, 150079, 150081, 150084, 150086, 150089, 150092, 150094, 150097, 150099, 150102, 150105, 150108, 150111, 150113, 150116, 150118, 150120, 166505, 150123, 166508, 150125, 150131, 628, 150133, 630, 150135, 632, 150136, 634, 150138, 640, 150144, 150146, 646, 648, 150152, 650, 150154, 652, 653, 654, 150155, 656, 150161, 659, 150164, 661, 663, 665, 150170, 667, 150172, 670, 673, 675, 166570, 166573, 166574, 166580, 150254, 150259, 150260, 760, 150265, 762, 764, 765, 150271, 768, 770, 150274, 773, 150279, 776, 150281, 778, 150282, 780, 166666, 782, 150283, 166672, 166669, 150286, 150292, 790, 150294, 150296, 793, 795, 150299, 150303, 801, 804, 150309, 150311, 809, 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150800, 167184, 152851, 150806, 167191, 152857, 150809, 150811, 152860, 167198, 150817, 152866, 152868, 167204, 152870, 150823, 167207, 152873, 152875, 152880, 152882, 152888, 152894, 152900, 166762, 167281, 167284, 167293, 166766, 167302, 152970, 152973, 167311, 152976, 152979, 152981, 152983, 167320, 152985, 167322, 152988, 167325, 152990, 166772, 152992, 152995, 167332, 167338, 167340, 153017, 153019, 153023, 153025, 153031, 153034, 153039, 153043, 153049, 153054, 153060, 153062, 153068, 153071, 153074, 153080, 153082, 153084, 153086, 153091, 153097, 153099, 153105, 153107, 153113, 153116, 153119, 153125, 153130, 153136, 153142, 153148, 153150, 153154, 153156, 153158, 153164, 153170, 153173, 153179, 153183, 153185, 153186, 153191, 153197, 153199, 153204, 153210, 153213, 153217, 153219, 153221, 153227, 153233, 153235, 153240, 153242, 153248, 153250, 153256, 153262, 153265, 153268, 153273, 153279, 153285, 153291, 153385, 153387, 153390, 153396, 153406, 153410, 153412, 153417, 153423, 153429, 153435, 153436, 153459, 153460, 149373, 149377, 149379, 149381, 149384, 153483, 149389, 149391, 153488, 153489, 153491, 153494, 153496, 153499, 153502, 153503, 153508, 153510, 153516, 153517, 153518, 153520, 153524, 153526, 153532, 153537, 153540, 153546, 153550, 165839, 153556, 165844, 165845, 165848, 149465, 153562, 149467, 153565, 153567, 149473, 153570, 149475, 149477, 149478, 153576, 153578, 153580, 149484, 149486, 153585, 149492, 153589, 149494, 149495, 149496, 153595, 149502]
for addr in trace_addr:
set_color(addr, CIC_ITEM, color_value)