
This is a trash rat that started as an open source project but has since been adopted for various campaigns, both ecrime and espionage (lol).



C2 Decryption

import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util import Padding
import hashlib

data = b'At2C9Qk3d7SA7+3KqcaDzAGk3UjkKgbD1CC2tXzgWnvXISV8gQCyC4DHdLLTVSy/'
key = b''

m = hashlib.md5()
hex_key = m.digest()

full_key = hex_key[:15] + hex_key + b'\x00'

data_raw = base64.b64decode(data)

cipher = AES.new(full_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
tmp_out = cipher.decrypt(data_raw)
out = Padding.unpad(tmp_out, block_size=AES.block_size, style='pkcs7')
def decrypt(data, key):
    m = hashlib.md5()
    hex_key = m.digest()

    full_key = hex_key[:15] + hex_key + b'\x00'
        data_raw = base64.b64decode(data)
        cipher = AES.new(full_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
        tmp_out = cipher.decrypt(data_raw)
        out = Padding.unpad(tmp_out, block_size=AES.block_size, style='pkcs7')
        return None
    return out

Identify and Extract Config

We know that the config data is stored as some strings in a .cctor we can target this programmatically.

import re
import struct
from dnfile import dnPE
from dnfile.mdtable import MethodDefRow

import dnfile
from dnfile.enums import MetadataTables

from dncil.cil.body import CilMethodBody
from dncil.cil.error import MethodBodyFormatError
from dncil.clr.token import Token, StringToken, InvalidToken
from dncil.cil.body.reader import CilMethodBodyReaderBase

class DnfileMethodBodyReader(CilMethodBodyReaderBase):
    def __init__(self, pe, row):
        """ """
        self.pe = pe
        self.offset = self.pe.get_offset_from_rva(row.Rva)

    def read(self, n):
        """ """
        data = self.pe.get_data(self.pe.get_rva_from_offset(self.offset), n)
        self.offset += n
        return data

    def tell(self):
        """ """
        return self.offset

    def seek(self, offset):
        """ """
        self.offset = offset
        return self.offset

class DnfileParse():
    DOTNET_META_TABLES_BY_INDEX = {table.value: table.name for table in MetadataTables}
    def read_dotnet_user_string(pe, token):
        """read user string from #US stream"""
            user_string = pe.net.user_strings.get_us(token.rid)
        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
            return InvalidToken(token.value)

        if user_string is None:
            return InvalidToken(token.value)

        return user_string.value

    def resolve_token(pe, token):
        """ """
        if isinstance(token, StringToken):
            return DnfileParse.read_dotnet_user_string(pe, token)

        table_name = DnfileParse.DOTNET_META_TABLES_BY_INDEX.get(token.table, "")
        if not table_name:
            # table_index is not valid
            return InvalidToken(token.value)

        table = getattr(pe.net.mdtables, table_name, None)
        if table is None:
            # table index is valid but table is not present
            return InvalidToken(token.value)

            return table.rows[token.rid - 1]
        except IndexError:
            # table index is valid but row index is not valid
            return InvalidToken(token.value)

    def read_method_body(pe, row):
        """ """
        return CilMethodBody(DnfileMethodBodyReader(pe, row))

    def format_operand(pe, operand):
        """ """
        if isinstance(operand, Token):
            operand = DnfileParse.resolve_token(pe, operand)

        if isinstance(operand, str):
            return f'"{operand}"'
        elif isinstance(operand, int):
            return hex(operand)
        elif isinstance(operand, list):
            return f"[{', '.join(['({:04X})'.format(x) for x in operand])}]"
        elif isinstance(operand, dnfile.mdtable.MemberRefRow):
            if isinstance(operand.Class.row, (dnfile.mdtable.TypeRefRow,)):
                return f"{str(operand.Class.row.TypeNamespace)}.{operand.Class.row.TypeName}::{operand.Name}"
        elif isinstance(operand, dnfile.mdtable.TypeRefRow):
            return f"{str(operand.TypeNamespace)}.{operand.TypeName}"
        elif isinstance(operand, (dnfile.mdtable.FieldRow, dnfile.mdtable.MethodDefRow)):
            return f"{operand.Name}"
        elif operand is None:
            return ""

        return str(operand)

    def get_instruction_text(pe, insn):
        return "{:04X}".format(insn.offset) \
                + "    " \
                + f"{' '.join('{:02x}'.format(b) for b in insn.get_bytes()) : <20}" \
                + f"{str(insn.opcode) : <15}" \
                + DnfileParse.format_operand(pe, insn.operand)
file_data = open('/tmp/old.bin','rb').read()

pe = dnfile.dnPE(data=file_data)

def ctor_hunt(pe):
    for row in pe.net.mdtables.MethodDef:

        if not row.ImplFlags.miIL or any((row.Flags.mdAbstract, row.Flags.mdPinvokeImpl)):
            # skip methods that do not have a method body

            body = DnfileParse.read_method_body(pe, row)
        except MethodBodyFormatError as e:

        if not body.instructions:

        if 'ctor' not in row.Name:

        if len(body.instructions) < 30:

        arr_data = None
        ldstr_count = 0
        for ptr in range(0,len(body.instructions)):
            insn = body.instructions[ptr]
            insn_text = DnfileParse.get_instruction_text(pe, insn)
            if str(insn.opcode) == 'ldstr':
                ldstr_count += 1
            print(f"ldstr count: {ldstr_count}")
        raw_config = {}
        config_ptr = 0
        if ldstr_count == 15:
            # Found our config!
            for ptr in range(0,len(body.instructions)):
                insn = body.instructions[ptr]
                if str(insn.opcode) == 'ldstr':
                    raw_config[config_ptr] = DnfileParse.resolve_token(pe, insn.operand)
                    config_ptr += 1
    return raw_config
raw_config = ctor_hunt(pe)

1100    72 81 05 00 70      ldstr          "At2C9Qk3d7SA7+3KqcaDzAGk3UjkKgbD1CC2tXzgWnvXISV8gQCyC4DHdLLTVSy/"
ldstr count: 1
1105    80 08 00 00 04      stsfld         澤她顧程孫她成接司成生希為
ldstr count: 1
110A    72 04 06 00 70      ldstr          ""
ldstr count: 2
110F    80 0b 00 00 04      stsfld         的敬人繼孫生人
ldstr count: 2
1114    72 20 06 00 70      ldstr          "|'N'|"
ldstr count: 3
1119    80 0c 00 00 04      stsfld         行顧家將命成使太顧
ldstr count: 3
111E    72 2c 06 00 70      ldstr          "|'L'|"
ldstr count: 4
1123    80 0d 00 00 04      stsfld         人法顧執首接
ldstr count: 4
1128    72 38 06 00 70      ldstr          "checker netflix.exe"
ldstr count: 5
112D    80 0e 00 00 04      stsfld         人子導顧成的的的司法受
ldstr count: 5
1132    72 60 06 00 70      ldstr          "True"
ldstr count: 6
1137    28 79 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions::ToBoolean
ldstr count: 6
113C    80 10 00 00 04      stsfld         澤金的的程導敬顧的法太商接
ldstr count: 6
1141    72 60 06 00 70      ldstr          "True"
ldstr count: 7
1146    28 79 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions::ToBoolean
ldstr count: 7
114B    80 11 00 00 04      stsfld         顧敬生尊行為程是的為孫行合顧
ldstr count: 7
1150    72 60 06 00 70      ldstr          "True"
ldstr count: 8
1155    28 79 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions::ToBoolean
ldstr count: 8
115A    80 12 00 00 04      stsfld         公成的繼程望行尊首澤的引將
ldstr count: 8
115F    72 60 06 00 70      ldstr          "True"
ldstr count: 9
1164    28 79 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions::ToBoolean
ldstr count: 9
1169    80 13 00 00 04      stsfld         商城顧她首她希執引行
ldstr count: 9
116E    72 6a 06 00 70      ldstr          "AppData"
ldstr count: 10
1173    80 14 00 00 04      stsfld         的人命的行
ldstr count: 10
1178    72 7a 06 00 70      ldstr          "\"
ldstr count: 11
117D    80 15 00 00 04      stsfld         人承官顧首官希顧公家家席太
ldstr count: 11
1182    7e 14 00 00 04      ldsfld         的人命的行
ldstr count: 11
1187    28 7a 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction::Environ
ldstr count: 11
118C    7e 15 00 00 04      ldsfld         人承官顧首官希顧公家家席太
ldstr count: 11
1191    7e 0e 00 00 04      ldsfld         人子導顧成的的的司法受
ldstr count: 11
1196    28 51 00 00 0a      call           System.String::Concat
ldstr count: 11
119B    80 16 00 00 04      stsfld         城管將的引為
ldstr count: 11
11A0    72 7e 06 00 70      ldstr          "86hac88hN1LipZ8Pzugfp65vMuPzKdYQudAKeKsjzU4RKRtTSSRSzZDNech2VwKy6yEPu8XZGYDsEd51M3vBG6ozAUqPpk3"
ldstr count: 12
11A5    80 17 00 00 04      stsfld         顧法接的為承的太她管商的的
ldstr count: 12
11AA    72 60 06 00 70      ldstr          "True"
ldstr count: 13
11AF    28 79 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions::ToBoolean
ldstr count: 13
11B4    80 18 00 00 04      stsfld         人官的敬受
ldstr count: 13
11B9    72 7f 00 00 70      ldstr          ""
ldstr count: 14
11BE    80 19 00 00 04      stsfld         人顧希太顧的的
ldstr count: 14
11C3    72 75 05 00 70      ldstr          "3"
ldstr count: 15
11C8    28 7b 00 00 0a      call           Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions::ToInteger
ldstr count: 15
11CD    80 1a 00 00 04      stsfld         行玉的澤她敬孫程合的太顧顧
ldstr count: 15
11D2    2a                  ret            
ldstr count: 15
# Public Shared HOST As String 'IP
# Public Shared PORT As Integer 'PORT
# Public Shared EncryptionKey As String = "NYANCAT" 'encryption/decryption key
# Public Shared ENDOF As String = "|'N'|" 'endof
# Public Shared SPL As String = "|'L'|" 'split data
# Public Shared EXE As String = "CLIENT.exe" 'client drop name
# Public Shared MTX As Threading.Mutex
# Public Shared USB As Boolean = False 'usb spread
# Public Shared PIN As Boolean = False 'pin spread
# Public Shared ANTI As Boolean = False 'anti virtual machines
# Public Shared DROP As Boolean = False 'drop and install client
# Public Shared PATH1 As String = "Temp" 'Main Folder
# Public Shared PATH2 As String = "\Lime\" 'Sub Folder
# Public Shared fullpath = Environ(PATH1) & PATH2 & EXE
# Public Shared BTC_ADDR As String = "THIS IS YOUR BTC 1234567890" 'Bitcoin address
# Public Shared DWN_CHK As Boolean = True 'downloader once
# Public Shared DWN_LINK As String = "" 'downloader link
# Public Shared Delay As Integer = "3" 'Delay AKA Sleep

config_enum = {'pastebin':0,
                'sleep':14 }

pastebin_url = decrypt(raw_config[config_enum['pastebin']].encode('utf-8'), raw_config[config_enum['key']].encode('utf-8'))
def get_config_data(pe):
    for row in pe.net.mdtables.MethodDef:

        if not row.ImplFlags.miIL or any((row.Flags.mdAbstract, row.Flags.mdPinvokeImpl)):
            # skip methods that do not have a method body

            body = DnfileParse.read_method_body(pe, row)
        except MethodBodyFormatError as e:

        if not body.instructions:

        if 'ctor' not in row.Name:

        if len(body.instructions) < 30:

        arr_data = None
        ldstr_count = 0
        for ptr in range(0,len(body.instructions)):
            insn = body.instructions[ptr]
            insn_text = DnfileParse.get_instruction_text(pe, insn)
            if str(insn.opcode) == 'ldstr':
                ldstr_count += 1
            #print(f"ldstr count: {ldstr_count}")
        raw_config = {}
        config_ptr = 0
        if ldstr_count == 15:
            # Found our config!
            for ptr in range(0,len(body.instructions)):
                insn = body.instructions[ptr]
                if str(insn.opcode) == 'ldstr':
                    raw_config[config_ptr] = DnfileParse.resolve_token(pe, insn.operand)
                    config_ptr += 1
    return raw_config
def print_config(file_path):
    file_data = open(file_path,'rb').read()
    pe = dnfile.dnPE(data=file_data)
    raw_config = get_config_data(pe)
    pastebin_url = decrypt(raw_config[config_enum['pastebin']].encode('utf-8'), raw_config[config_enum['key']].encode('utf-8'))
    print(f"c2: {pastebin_url}")
    for k,v in config_enum.items():
        if v > 1:
            print(f"{k}: {raw_config[v]}")

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/bCzwnKS8'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3
import os
# assign directory
directory = '/tmp/limes/'
# iterate over files in
# that directory
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    f = os.path.join(directory, filename)
    # checking if it is a file
    if os.path.isfile(f):


c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/CWD9meJm'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: winIogon.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \Local\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/sprwUYBJ'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/bCzwnKS8'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/CY4BZ4Z0'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Grand Theft Auto VI.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: UserProfile
sub_folder: \/\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/3YAbmSCc'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: AudioDriver.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: UserProfile
sub_folder: \Windows\
bitcoin_address: 31u93LeqAjhmu48kA6JYNVSyGshBNvnqNS
downloader_once: False
sleep: 6

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/BhUB9EXY'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: scvhost.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: UserProfile
sub_folder: \scvhostLog\
bitcoin_address: bc1q233hm2e03j09e5zy52zqzt0sh7temfq9h4t3cl
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/Kvy6HPa4'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: winlogon.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: True
download_link: ApplictionFramework.exe
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/sxNJt2ek'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: checker netflix.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \
bitcoin_address: 86hac88hN1LipZ8Pzugfp65vMuPzKdYQudAKeKsjzU4RKRtTSSRSzZDNech2VwKy6yEPu8XZGYDsEd51M3vBG6ozAUqPpk3
downloader_once: True
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/hkXuRtp9'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: OverTheCounter.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \otc\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/H6K0uUqr'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Dork searcher gold.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \
bitcoin_address: 1Jyrji1JwM6wcv9w6E7GWRUfBt8VyAu6g1
downloader_once: True
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/DDTVwwbu'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Better-Discord.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \BDiscord\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/H6K0uUqr'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Dork searcher gold.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \
bitcoin_address: 1Jyrji1JwM6wcv9w6E7GWRUfBt8VyAu6g1
downloader_once: True
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/RPvdzvf9'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Lol.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \Discrd\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'http://pastebin.pl/view/raw/0755aad0'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: MicrosoftUpdater.tft.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: UserProfile
sub_folder: \.Temp\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3


c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/hq1MSJc0'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: FLOPPA.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: UserProfile
sub_folder: \FLopping\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/LJe9sUk5'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
bitcoin_address: 1B5aLZh6psoQttLGn9tpbdibiWqzyh4Jfv
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/upsAbbQq'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: File.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \System\
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/Tb0DZ8Ap'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: TESTE.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: True
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/nW4J6TiP'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: windowsdefender.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: True
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \
bitcoin_address: 13WHQ6XEobZYNAjHZPJHkDuzMS8TpgkRqm
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/rTiY1HLu'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: False
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: False
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/DDTVwwbu'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3


c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/DDTVwwbu'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Wservices.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: True
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: Temp
sub_folder: \
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3

c2: b'https://pastebin.com/raw/cXuQ0V20'
endof: |'N'|
split_data: |'L'|
client_drop_name: Winservices.exe
usb_spread: True
pin_spread: False
anti_virtual_machines: True
drop_and_install_client: False
main_folder: AppData
sub_folder: \
bitcoin_address: 1JBKLGyE6AnRGvk92A8x3m8qmXfh3fcEty
downloader_once: False
sleep: 3