PrivateLoader Triage
Config Extractor for PrivateLoader
Private Loader is a pay-per-install (PPI) malware that is used to download and execute... more malware! There are there is a loader component and a main component, both written in C++.
- Unpacked
malshare - Zscaler analysis
String Decryption
There are encrypted stack strings that are composed of the string data, and an accompanying XOR key. These are loaded onto the stack, then directly XOR decrypted.
X-Junior IDA Script
X-Junior has a script that we can try in IDA to decrypt these strings: GitHub Repo.
Andre Tavares Python Script
andretavare5 has a python script using capstone to decrypt the strings: Script Gist.
We have created our own hybrid of the two, which uses capstone for disassembly, but implements the logic from the IDA script...
def unhex(hex_string):
import binascii
if type(hex_string) == str:
return binascii.unhexlify(hex_string.encode('utf-8'))
return binascii.unhexlify(hex_string)
def tohex(data):
import binascii
if type(data) == str:
return binascii.hexlify(data.encode('utf-8'))
return binascii.hexlify(data)
import pefile
import struct
from capstone import *
from capstone.x86 import *
SAMPLE_PATH = '/tmp/private.bin'
def is_ascii(s):
return all(c < 128 or c == 0 for c in s)
def get_data(instructions):
data_chunks = []
count = 0
steps = 0
steps_flag = 0
flag_reg = 0
search_count = 0
search_limit = 400
for inst in instructions:
steps +=1
if search_count > search_limit:
search_count += 1
if inst.mnemonic == 'call':
if inst.mnemonic == 'mov' and inst.operands[0].type == X86_OP_REG and inst.operands[1].type == X86_OP_IMM:
flag_reg = 1
if inst.mnemonic == 'mov' and ( (inst.operands[0].type == X86_OP_MEM and inst.operands[0].value.mem.disp != 0) or inst.operands[0].type == X86_OP_REG ) and inst.operands[1].type == X86_OP_IMM:
imm_value = inst.operands[1].value.imm
if imm_value & 0xff000000 == 0:
data_chunk = struct.pack('<I',imm_value)
count += 1
steps = 0
steps_flag = 1
if steps == 16 and steps_flag:
#if steps == 6 and steps_flag: # if you got some garbage string use this instead of the above
enc_data = data_chunks[0:count//2][::-1]
key = data_chunks[count//2:count][::-1]
if flag_reg :
enc_data = sum(zip(enc_data[1::2], enc_data[::2]), ())
key = sum(zip(key[1::2], key[::2]), ())
return b''.join(enc_data),b''.join(key)
filename = SAMPLE_PATH
# disassemble .txt section
pe = pefile.PE(filename)
md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
md.detail = True
addr = 0
instructions = []
txt = pe.sections[0]
# TODO: we don't seem to be disassembling the full section?!!
image_base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
section_rva = txt.VirtualAddress
for inst in md.disasm(txt.get_data(), image_base + section_rva):
# search, build and decrypt strings
strings = []
addr = None
string = ''
for i, inst in enumerate(instructions):
if inst.mnemonic == 'pxor': #and inst.address == 0x009910F2:
#try: # possible string decryption found
reversed_instruction_list = instructions[:i][::-1]
encrypted_str, key = get_data(reversed_instruction_list)
# print(f"str_len: {len(encrypted_str)}, key_len: {len(key)}")
# print(encrypted_str)
# print(key)
out = bytearray(encrypted_str[j] ^ key[j] for j in range(len(key)))
out = out.replace(b'\x00',b'')
if is_ascii(out):
for s in strings:
print(f'{hex(s[0])} {s[1]}')